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Time We Discuss: Fateful Detour - From Teacher to Author

Watch/Listen to this Episode Fateful Detour - From Teacher to Author Detour to Author; Host of Time We Discuss has hand on chin thinking. Guest Roger Leslie in the corner, background is a road to vanishing point with a sign that says 'detour'.

This episode of Time We Discuss features Roger Leslie, an author and educator, detailing his journey from aspiring writer to successful author. He shares the importance of taking risks, embracing life's detours, and following one's dreams with unwavering passion. Roger recounts how his early determination to become a writer faced skepticism and practical challenges. Encouraged by a career counselor, he pursued a degree in English education, becoming a teacher while continuing to write.

Roger discovered his love for teaching unexpectedly, and his interactions with students fueled his passion for writing. He incorporated goal-setting into his teaching, often using his own dream of being a published author as an example. Despite burnout in the classroom, he pursued a master's degree in creative writing to refine his craft. This led to an unexpected opportunity to transition into a librarian role, which gave him more time to write. Embracing this fateful detour," Roger gained emergency certification and eventually a second degree.

As a librarian, Roger's career flourished. His reviews of children's literature earned him a byline in the prestigious journal Booklist, and a collaborative book project with a professor secured a three-book deal with Libraries Unlimited. These achievements catalyzed his writing career, allowing him to publish extensively and transition to full-time writing after retiring from education.

Roger discusses the importance of feedback, resilience in the face of rejection, and the role of critique groups for budding writers. He emphasizes the balance between creativity and persistence, encouraging aspiring writers to trust their subconscious during the drafting process. He shares that his writing spans both fiction and nonfiction, with nonfiction often requiring creativity and providing quicker results.

In addition to his writing, Roger now serves as a writing coach, editor, and publisher, leveraging his diverse skills to guide others. He underscores the value of delegating tasks like marketing to focus on creative pursuits, highlighting how hiring a publicist improved his efficiency and outreach.

Roger's message is deeply motivational. He advises aspiring writers to start pursuing their dreams immediately, without waiting for the "perfect time." He believes that life supports those who follow their passions, providing necessary resources and opportunities.

The interview concludes with Roger sharing his mission: inspiring others to live their dreams and empowering them to follow their unique spiritual paths. He encourages listeners to take risks, invest in their passions, and embrace the journey as the ultimate fulfillment of life. Roger's story exemplifies how embracing unexpected opportunities and persevering through challenges can lead to remarkable success and personal growth.

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